How to Prevent Storm Water Pollution: 10 Easy Tips
1. Only rain down the drain. Do not pour out anything onto the ground.
2. Do not litter. Any trash or cigarette buds thrown on the ground can end up in storm drains. Smoking is prohibited on campus, helping to keep cigarettes out of the storm drains.
3. Put a lid on it. Rainwater collects in dumpsters with their lids open, mixes with garbage, and then leaks into storm drains.
4. Clean up spills immediately. Contact EH&S at (831) 459-2553 to report a storm water concern.
5. Stay on paved roads and official pathways. The creation of unofficial pathways destroys natural ground cover and exposes the underlying soil, increasing the amount of erosion going into storm drains.
6. Check your car for leaks. Oil and other toxic fluids may end up in storm drains. Use a drip tray to catch leaks when your car is parked.
7. Take your car to a commercial car wash. Detergents and surface residue from washing your car at home in your driveway, contains high amounts of nutrients, metals, and hydrocarbons that typically run into the nearest storm drain untreated.
8. Do not wash art supplies onto the ground. Rinse brushes in sinks indoors, where the water will later be treated.
9. Do not dump unwanted chemicals. Bring any paint, pesticides, or other household chemicals to your hazardous waste collection site instead.
10. For pest management, call campus grounds for assistance. Contact Rudy Balderas (831) 459-2252 or email